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Blessings & Responsibility

06/02/2017 01:38:02 PM


I always look forward to Fridays. I suppose I'm not alone. Most of us look forward to Fridays. Friday reminds us that whatever happened during the work week to make us nervous, anxious, or frustrated has passed and before us lies a day dedicated to family, rest and showing gratitude God. Even when our week was consumed by holidays, as this week was, Shabbat still promises relief.

As I child, I anticipated Erev Shabbat and our regular Friday night meals with friends and family crowded around the dining room table. Just before reciting the Kiddush, my father would make his way around the table and give each child a blessing and a kiss atop the head. Although I always looked forward to that moment, I never truly realized how special it was until 335 Friday nights ago, when Rachel z”l and I blessed our daughter for the first time in the same way.

The ancient blessing comes from this week's Torah portion when Aaron and his desendants are commanded to bless the people of Israel with words that are as potent today as they were in biblical times. The Priestly Blessing reminds us to safeguard against our egos and remember that our gifts were given for a purpose. This potent reminder is especially meaningful when it comes at the start of every Shabbat, from parent to child.

Each one of us has been blessed with valuable and gifts. Attributes differ from one person to the next but all are bestowed by God. Some are blessed with wealth that they may use to help sustain our community and those who are in need. Many have great wisdom or expertise in areas which allow them to contribute in unique ways. Others are compassionate and caring people who model for others how important a supportive community can be. Everyone has something special to offer.

Tonight, as Shabbat comes in and we bless our children with these powerful words, may we be reminded of all the goodness with which we, too, have been blessed. Let us become empowered by our responsibility to share those blessings with those we know and love. Let us remind our children, on a regular basis, of their unique abilities to help repair the world.

May God bless you and keep you.
May God make His face shine on you and be gracious to you.
May God turn his face toward you and grant you peace.

Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Suson

Tue, May 7 2024 29 Nisan 5784