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11/10/2020 08:17:12 PM


Shabbat Shalom! Parashat Emor 5782

05/13/2022 01:43:49 AM


Shabbat Shalom, {{nickname}}

Sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me.

My 11 year-old recently discovered the fallacy of t

Sticks and Stones

05/13/2022 01:36:34 AM


Sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me.

My 11 year-old recently discovered the fallacy of this children's poem when she was injured by a dictionary, as she was pulling it from a shelf! It was a teachable moment and we had a discussion about how words actually can cause pain. Adults know this all too well. Words, however intangible, have immense...Read more...

Hungry? Come Eat!

04/01/2022 12:01:37 PM


Anyone who has ever attended a Passover Seder is familiar with this statement from the Ha Lachma Anya. Toward the beginning of the Seder, the broken Matzah is raised up by the leader and we say,

This is the bread of affliction that our ancestors ate in the land of Egypt.
Whoever is hungry - come and eat!
Whoever is needy - come and celebrate Passover!
Now, we are here; next year in the Land of Israel!
Now we are...

First is the Worst,​​​​​Second is the Best

04/16/2021 03:21:40 PM


As the oldest of three children, of course I take issue with this saying. I might remind my siblings that the first day of the year, Rosh Hashanah, comes at the holiest time of the year. Also, on the first of every month we celebrate with Halleland public Torah reading. Indeed, first is the best.

However, my younger siblings might remind me of the saying “Acharon acharon chaviv” - the last one is the most dear....Read more...

It’s Crunch Time! 

03/19/2021 04:58:33 PM


I want to share several reminders regarding preparations for the upcoming Passover Holiday.

As you know, it is forbidden for Jews to own chametz on Passover. I am happy to act as your agent to sell your chametz on your behalf. You are encouraged to visit the website and fill out the authorization form ASAP.
  Bring all of your Passover questions to class on Wednesday at 6:00...Read more...

Be Happy, It's Adar! 

02/12/2021 01:09:06 PM


Happy Adar!

The Mishnah instructs that we rejoice when the month of Adar arrives. One might find that counterintuitive. After all, Adar is the last month, as we are taught that Nisan, the month of Pesach, is considered the first of the months. Winter is still in full force, even though we know that Spring is around the corner. COVID is still a threat that keeps us from traveling and embracing our families and loved ones, even though...Read more...

Lest they continue to grow and then if war breaks out they join the enemy (Ex. 1:10)

01/08/2021 02:38:37 PM


We are all shaking from the events of this week. We witnessed, in horror, an unruly mob storm and breach the doors and windows of our Nation’s Capitol. As if we needed another reminder of how low we have fallen. Peaceful protests should never devolve into riots and political animosity should never develop into physical violence. Yet, lately, that is what we see over and over. People engaging in criminal acts, in the name of patriotism and...Read more...

Kindling Hanukkah Lights Before and After Shabbat

12/11/2020 02:48:56 PM


Unlike with other festivals that coincide with Shabbat, Shabbat lights and Hanukkah lights are lit separately, each having their own blessings recited. In order not to violate the observance of Shabbat, all of the candles must be lit at sunset (today, 4:28pm) The Hanukkah candles must be lit first because once the Shabbat candles are lit, Shabbat has begun and no new fire is permitted to be kindled. Since the Hanukkah lights must last...Read more...

Happy Thanksgiving! 

11/27/2020 01:51:16 PM


What an odd Thanksgiving it has been... Like Passover and Rosh Hashanah, Thanksgiving leaves us more leftovers than usual. Our tables were not surrounded with friends and family, as everyone is trying to stay as safe and healthy as possible. We know that this, too, shall pass but it has been so long since we have seen and held one another.

The Torah portion read this Shabbat continues the tragic saga of twin brothers, Jacob...Read more...

Righteousness and Justice

11/06/2020 12:24:31 PM


As we have all been awaiting a final result of the US Presidential Election, a prayer from our daily Amida stands out. The eleventh blessing reads as follows:

Restore our judges as before and our counselors as at first. Remove sorrow and sighing from us, and reign over us You, Hashem, alone with kindness and compassion; with righteousness and with justice. Blessed are You, Hashem, King, Lover of righteousness and...Read more...

Man Plans, G-d Laughs

10/23/2020 12:25:55 PM


There is a popular Yiddish saying with similar versions in many languages, “Der mench tracht un Got lacht,” which translates to “Man plans and God laughs." I  have never much cared for that adage because it minimizes the burden of responsibility on people to prevail despite unforeseen and sometimes negative or unfair conditions. I don't believe we must always be victims of our circumstances. We do have choices about...Read more...

Shana Tova 5781

09/25/2020 12:27:28 PM


Besides Shabbat, Yom Kippur is the most sacred day in the Jewish calendar. In fact, Yom Kippur itself is called ַשבת שבתוֹן (Sabbath of complete rest) in the Torah. A common misconception about Yom Kippur, due to the fact that it is a fast day and that our focus is to be on forgiveness and regret for misdeeds of the past, is that it is a sad and solemn festival. This, however, is not supposed to be the case. While it is a...Read more...

We're not Shofar Apart

09/18/2020 12:28:30 PM


Delicious aromoas of yom tov meals, familiar melodies, and the sound of the shofar remind us that Rosh Hashanah is upon us. Only one thing is missing - all the people. We miss our family and friends who are always with us for the holidays. We miss the crowds of people in shul, wishing one another a sweet new year. We miss the hugs and kisses of loved ones - as we recall the safety of their embrace. All is different about this...Read more...

To Life!

08/28/2020 12:30:14 PM


This month of Elul is spent preparing for the upcoming new year. Unlike the secular new year which is commonly welcomed with lavish parties and overindulgence, the Jewish method of marking the head of the year is much more reflective and personal. It is not about whom we are kissing at the moment the ball drops in Times Square. It is about taking steps to implement changes in our lives, to make next year better than the last. For that,...Read more...

Parashat Eikev

08/07/2020 11:31:29 AM


This week’s Torah portion opens as follows:
והיה עקב תשמעון את המשפטים האלה
(Ekev) you hearken to these laws and do them, Adonai your God will keep the Covenant and kindness that he promised to your ancestors.

The word Ekev, at the beginning of the verse literally means “heel” but is understood differently by various commentators.

Targum Onkelos translates Ekev as...

Tisha B'Av - The Saddest Day of the Year 

07/29/2020 12:32:28 PM


The saddest day in Jewish history is the 9th of Av, beginning this evening. The 3-week period of mourning culminates with the commemoration of the destruction of both the 1st and 2nd Temples in Jerusalem. Over the centureies, other catastrophes that befell the Jewish people also came to be associated with this day of mourning.

To commemorate the destructions of the two Temples, the rabbis designated Tisha B'Av as a...Read more...

The Fast of Tammuz

07/09/2020 12:33:48 PM


Yesterday, we commemorated the17 of Tamuz, a day of public fasting, in memory of tragedies that occurred on that day, resulting in the destruction of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem.

In the time of the Second Temple the Jews rebelled against the Romans and they recovered control of Jerusalem for a few years, defending the city protected by strong walls. These walls were originally built in the days of King Solomon. The people...Read more...

Thoughts About This Week

06/05/2020 01:24:19 PM


This week has left us all feeling breathless and shocked. From the horrible killing of George Floyd at the hands of violent police officers, to the national protests against race discrimination, to built-up tension from the lockdown - this has been an emotionally exhausting week for our country and humanity.

Of course, we need to look no further than the first chapter of the Bible to find the idea of divine equality among human...Read more...

"I Can't Breathe" - In Memory of George Floyd 

06/05/2020 12:35:19 PM


This week has left us all feeling breathless and shocked. From the horrible killing of George Floyd at the hands of violent police officers, to the national protests against race discrimination, to built-up tension from the lockdown - this has been an emotionally exhausting week for our country and humanity.


05/28/2020 12:36:29 PM


For the second time this year we are faced with celebrating a major festival without the ability to gather together in shul. Jews always persevere and we are excited to offer many wasys to connect, including live Torah reading of the 10 Commandents, Yizkor, and Study opportunities that can be accessed from home for adults and children. 

Parashat Hashavua with Shamai:   TONIGHT 6:00 pm 
Zoom in as we read THE...

A Pandemic Simcha!

05/15/2020 01:37:22 PM


I want to share with you about a simcha that was celebrated this week in our congregation. Too many times, in the past two months, have I been called upon to help folks through grief and hard times. Yesterday, I was blessed to participate in a wedding! 

What's better: it took place in the courtyard of HTAA (socially distanced).
What's better: the bride and groom are independently wonderful people and very...Read more...

Summer is for Musical Havdalah

05/08/2020 02:38:20 PM


I hope you and your family are faring well and are managing to help others as much as possible during this difficult time. While we are still unable to gather in shul, we have been holding services twice per day during the week and our menu of Zoom classes has become quite popular. We have found new ways to engage with our youth, adults, and seniors and to help many of our community members in need.



05/01/2020 03:39:59 PM


Although our synaogue doors our closed, our community is close and active as ever - thanks to the wonders of modern technology and the innovative efforts of our staf and members. Over the past six weeks, we have held more than 72 Zoom minyanim - morning and afternoon, every weekday. The live Passover Seder and Yizkor service were widely "attended." We have...Read more...

Staying Healthy &  Updated

05/01/2020 03:12:25 PM


  Shabbat Shalom!

Although our synagogue doors our closed, our community is close and active as ever - thanks to the wonders of modern technology and the innovative efforts of our staff and members. Over the past six weeks, we have held more than 72 Zoom minyanim - morning and afternoon, every weekday. The live Passover Seder and Yizkor...Read more...

Chag Kasher V'Sameach! You're Invited! 

04/03/2020 01:22:19 PM



  I hope this message finds you and your family in good health and good spirits. This Shabbat is called Shabbat Hagadol - the Great Shabbat because it precedes the festival of Passover. Unfortunately, this Shabbat does not feel so great. In fact, Passover isn’t looking too hot...Read more...

Shabbat HaGadol

04/03/2020 11:41:18 AM


I hope this message finds you and your family in good health and good spirits. This Shabbat is called Shabbat Hagadol - the Great Shabbat because it precedes the festival of Passover. Unfortunately, this Shabbat does not feel so great. In fact, Passover isn’t looking too hot either. 

Folks are preparing for very lonely Seders. Children will be missing their parents, families and neighbors will not be joining together to share...Read more...

Trying  and Tiring Times...

03/13/2020 02:26:41 PM


In the last few days many of us have been listening to the news or reading the reports about the growing scope of COVID-19 in our region.  Just yesterday afternoon, Governor Larry Hogan announced several emergency actions in an effort to halt the spread of the virus and secure the greater public’s health.  What we are being told by the Maryland Board of Health as well as the CDC and WHO is simple, if your sick stay home and...Read more...


03/07/2020 11:24:37 AM


We have been following the news about Coronavirus (COVID-19), as have you. Please read the message below from our president and know that we are taking precautions at the synagogue to ensure the cleanest and healthiest possible conditions for our congregants. Most important is that if you don’t feel well, please don’t come to shul. So many in our community are in the higher risk category and it is always unsafe to expose them to even...Read more...

Power of Humility: Yitro 5780

02/14/2020 10:44:59 AM


Moses has a reputation, according to the Torah, of being the “most humble man of the face of the earth.” But when his father-in-law comes for a visit, the extent of his immense patience and grace speaks for itself. When Yitro arrived in town, he observed his son-in-law, Moses, doing what he did every day:

And Moshe sat down to judge the people; and the people waited [to see] Moshe from morning till night.


Of Darkness and Light

01/31/2020 11:27:38 AM


The first acts of God, as described in the opening verses of the Torah, were to create light and to separate the light from the darkness. Each Saturday night, when darkness falls and Shabbat ebbs away, we light a havdallah candle and praise God for distinguishing between light and dark.

Even in the parlance of our times, when one reveals information or puts a matter into perspective, we say they “shed light” on it, in order that...Read more...

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784