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Brandriss Scholar-in-Residence Weekend 

05/04/2018 11:53:15 AM


This past Tuesday, we counted the 33rd day of the Omer, leading up to the Festival of Shavuot. Lag B’Omer is marked by parties, weddings, BBQs and celebration and is significant because of an incident that occurred early in the 2nd Century.

the Talmud teaches that during the few weeks after Passover, all 24,000 students of the great sage, Rabbi Akiva, died in a plague. A massive blow to the continuity of Torah scholarship, it is explained that the plague was caused by the disrespectful and vicious manner in which the “scholars” treated one another. A later disciple of Rabbi Akiva, Shimon Bar Yochai, declared that Lag B’Omer be marked with celebration among the Jewish people. A celebration of our commonalities and a celebration of our differences. The tragic time can be transformed into a time of rejoicing because we can improve ourselves and the way members of our communities interact with and treat one another.

In that spirit, I invite you to join us for a truly exciting and spiritually enriching Shabbat experience this week. Help welcome my long time friend, Rabbi Ed Shapiro, who will share with us some of his insights and experiences throughout the weekend. Rabbi Shapiro works in many capacities in the Jewish community and a moving program has been planned for you. I’m sure you will be inspired by his teachings and the ensuing discussions.

Tonight 6PM: Finding Spirituality in Community and in Solitude
Shabbat Services and talk by Rabbi Shapiro. Dinner following for those registered.

Shabbat 9AM: Food Sanctity & Safety
Rabbi Shapiro discusses commercial kosher food production and supervision.

Sunday 9:30AM: Minyan at the Nature Center
Outdoor morning services and spiritual nature walk with Rabbi Suson and Rabbi Shapiro at Brookside Nature Center.

This program is sponored by generous members of our community in memory of Rabbi Jospeh and Perla Brandriss, z"l. See you in shul!

Shabbat Shalom!
Rabbi Suson

Tue, May 7 2024 29 Nisan 5784